The support all variants of .
The Raspberry revolutionised the market with the things like a 40-GPIO (General purpose Input/output) pinned, quad-USB ported that enhance the quality. A user can operate a lot of our great Model B accessories by plugging in with the downgrade cable. This is a good time in the continuous modern world to upgrade the set-up with the help of embedded 40 pins.
Adaptor is in a fancy T-shape, which is big in size than and less compact, but is a lot easier to examine the labels clearly.
There are numerous customers that provide the requisitions which comes with a 40 pin ribbon cable and assembled Breadboard Adaptor. You can plug the 40-pin GPIO cable between the Pi computer and the Breadboard adaptor. The Breadboard Adaptor can plug into any solderless breadboard. The pins of the Raspberry Pi Breadboard Adaptor are tagged precisely. It makes the user go forth and build circuits without keeping a pin-out printout at your desk.
Our vision is to make the process interesting to increase the quality of the experience of the user. We make sure that the task become interesting to the user so that they can expand the Pi and build custom circuitry
Designed for use with the whole range of 2x20 connector Raspberry Pi. There is no requirement of the soldering that saves the time of the user.
Kit Contains:
1x Breadboard Adapter
1x cable
Note: This kit does not contains Raspberry Pi or Breadboard.